Zero Waste

Everything You Don’t Need for a Low-Waste Life

From the outside looking in, zero-waste is nothing if not artsy, and, dare I say, intimidating.  It’s easy to swoon over— and be discouraged by— Instagram worthy images of stainless steel bento boxes and mason jar coffee. 

Friends, here’s the truth. You don’t need bamboo cutlery to reduce waste. You don’t need organic mesh produce bags. You don’t even need a stainless steel straw. 

Everything you truly need, you already possess. 

You need creativity. To find the workarounds that fit your family’s needs, from homemade bread to cloth diapers. To problem-solve and compromise to make sustainable changes while honoring you and your loved one’s individual values and preferences. 

You need resilience. To try again when your first zero-waste sour cream recipe completely bombs (for the record, the second try was absolute perfection).  To stay strong in your convictions if strangers— or friends— judge your choices. 

You need to embrace routine. Because life changes that seem difficult and overwhelming rarely stay that way. The same reusable bags that were so difficult to remember— or even ‘embarrassing’ to pull out of your pocket—  the first time you go to the store will be second nature in just a few weeks. 

You need a sense of humor. Because life is so much better when you feel free to laugh along the way. And because laughing makes it MUCH easier to explain hauling seven potatoes in your arms across the grocery store when you forgot your reusable produce bag. 

You need to give yourself grace. That it’s not the end of the world if you had to put your little in a disposable diaper today, or if you gave in to a frozen pizza. That reducing your family’s footprint doesn’t require you to be perfect, only to be present. 

Today, I’m reaffirming my commitment to tread lightly on the planet… and I’m inviting you to join me in a free email series, 30 Days to Limited Waste Living. 

You’ll receive weekly emails detailing practical action steps, from opting out of junk mail to finding zero waste groceries, that you can use to make tangible, lasting changes to your environmental footprint. 

Join the challenge!

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